confined space training

Confined space entry is common in construction and general industry. The typical approach to training is often complicated and dependent upon specific techniques and equipment. AxcessRescue takes a simplistic approach to the fundamentals of safe practices for entry and work in confined spaces. Our program explores first the clients need within their scope of operations then builds a framework designed specifically to meet applicable standards that pertain to work and rescue in confined spaces. 

We offer various programs for work in confined spaces. Our one day program exceeds the requirements of applicable OSHA and ANSI standards for the entrant, attendant and supervisor roles in day to day confined space operations.

Our 4 day confined space rescue courses meet and exceed the following standards for the entrant, attendant, supervisor and rescuer roles in confined space operations and emergencies:

• ANSI Z490.1-2001 adult training criteria in safety, health and

     environmental training

• ANSI A10.32-2004 fall protection for construction

• Z359.2-2007 standard minimum requirements for

     comprehensive managed fall protection programs

• NFPA standards

• OSHA regulations including 2017 Walking-Working Surfaces

Our confined space programs are unmatched in student retention of knowledge and skills. The majority of the content is based upon hands-on learning. Classroom time is minimized. Adaptability of our classes for any industry that has entry requirements into confined spaces gives AxcessRescue the edge in recognition as a progressive preferred trainer.


call us:207-620-6169
